Sunday, October 26th was yet another busy day for us. We started out by getting to the church around 8:00 AM. We had band rehearsal and 2 services. Then I ran to Alisha's with Chris (our drummer) to pick up some food for a band lunch meeting we had after church at the Butler's house. While at the meeting we took these cheesy pictures below. I should probably explain... We just ended a marriage series and ended it all with a vow renewal ceremony. Donald had the bright idea that we as the band & production team should wear tuxedo t-shirts and be the wedding singers/ reception band. It was silly, but fun! I love these guys who have committed to play with us. They have amazing talent and even bigger hearts and such a passion to lead others into a time of worship. Thank God for guys who want to use their gifts and talents for Him!
After we left Donald's house, we drove to Montgomery, TX for baby Brooklynn White's 1st birthday party! She was absolute precious!!! She had a cowgirl party and dressed up in the cutest outfit ever with little baby cowboy boots. We decided to stick with the theme and bought her first horse. lol. It was a little pink horse with wheels that she can ride around. It neighs and sings songs like "She'll be Coming Around the Mountain." She really liked it and that made me happy. I also made Cheryl and Alex (her parents) a scrapbook of the first year of her life. So much fun!
When we left the party, we drove to the Woodlands, since we were near by. We saw my mom, dad, Nathan (little brother), and Taz (the dog). I always love seeing them, it seems to make the stress go away and makes me smile, like I am safe back at home (I know it sounds silly). I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! Even though it was a really short visit, it was definitely worth while! :)
As if that was not a day filled with enough fun, we then headed to the Olives for a pumpkin carving party with the Olives, Kirtleys, and Scrantons. Although they had finished their pumpkins by the time we arrived, we still hung out for a few hours and had a great time! LOVE those people as they have become part of our family!
Here are some pictures from the day...

Would you let us be your church staff or wedding party?!?!

Amos Rivera, Trey Willis & Chris O'Leary

Me and my baby!
It was Broolynn's 1st birthday and she had a cowgirl party, so we bought her first horse ;)