The Love of Our Lives...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Shack Before...

Wow, I know I am WAY overdue in updating our blog. :( I am really having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. But I am attempting tonight. Here are the BEFORE pictures of the Shack that we moved into back in February... 
Justin, Randy & Blake acting like they are working! ;)

Then Stacy and Blake decided to paint each other instead of the walls...

Nice work boys, you get points for being artistic!  ;)

Me getting organized as always...

Natalie working hard and being very fashionable @ the same time, as always! 

Krista was a champ scrubbing and painting the bathroom al by herself

Our little baby Shack...
Painting my bedroom

Napoli is hott stuff!

Ellen was the official edger... so did GREAT!

Our kitchen before we made it our own

The bathroom before we took the mirror and cabinet down to give it the "Jackson touch"

Our bedroom closet before we took off the doors, adding curtains and added new shelves

Justin changing out the light bulbs.. such a helper in his cool jean shorts! ;) Lol.

The whole gang minus Randy who helped turn our little Shack into a cozy home!

We have the best friends EVER

We should start our own HGTV show... from Shack to Sheik

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Super cute background! Great minds think alike!